(Source - http://blog.thestar.com.my/permalink.asp?cat=12&id=13121
Yesterday our college came out a memo for our certificate student that have to take JULY PAPER and only we can graduate. TARC have wasted our certificate level 3 and 4 student time. For student study level 3 certificate and wanna go for diploma we have to study for 2years certificate only we can go for diploma but now college is tell us that goverment have change rules and they just follow then why college still want go for IPTA. Increase our exam marks already stress us alot n cause us alot TARC student failed alot subject and now they want us certificate student to retake SPM bahasa melayu for credit only we can go for diploma and our certificate is being confirm by TARC and goverment and is not fair for TARC student . We not come from rich family and study other college is exepensive and not all family can afford.. I have study at tarc for 2years just for want go to diploma and now goverment and TARC college come out with this rules that need us to retake SPM for bahasa melayu. MCA is lier.. TARC is build by MCA and MCA just can avoid this problem.. I hope this issue will bring to all tarc certificate student n to public for discussion.